18 November 2010

Slaughtering Completed Successfully

A’kum. Please be informed that the sheep & cows were slaughtered on Wednesday 17th November 2010 at 5:00 PM (Indonesia Time) without any difficulty. The documentation process of the entire event is currently underway.

“Alhamdulillah!  Qurban telah berjalan dengan lancar dan pembahagian daging sudah selesai sekitar jam 5 petang. Insya-Allah! Dokumentasi akan segera diselesaikan,” said Ustaz Abdul Hasib Hasan, Headmaster of Pesantren Darul Quran Mulia, Bogor, Indonesia.

On behalf of Kampung Utara Melbourne (KUM), we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to those, who have pledged to do their Qurban ibadah with us this year. We look forward to your continued support in our future Qurban projects as well as our other activities.

May Allah shower His blessings upon us and accept our ibadah, Insya-Allah. Wassalam. Regards,